About Us

The quick and dirty version is that Bleeding Cincy Red is a blog and podcast created by two guys who regularly blog and podcast on topics other than baseball, but who found themselves always talking about baseball when they weren’t blogging or podcasting.

Those two guys (Robert Lee Brewer and Brian A. Klems–more on them below) decided, “Hey! We’re always talking about the Reds anyway; why don’t do a podcast? And a blog?”

And history was made.

Bleeding Cincy Red is not a place to get the most advanced analytics (though we’ll likely have some) nor the place for the most breaking news (though we’ll likely be talking about it as soon as we’re able). Rather, Bleeding Cincy Red is a place for Reds fans to connect with other Reds fans and talk about what the organization is doing, is not doing, and really what they should be doing. Because the fans know best, right?

Find us on Twitter @BleedinCincyRed.

Robert Lee Brewer

Robert in an old school metal folding chair.

Robert’s one rule is that his name is not “Bob.” Seriously, he has a personal blog titled My Name Is Not Bob (hasn’t updated in forever).

His day job as a Senior Content Editor with the Writer’s Digest Writing Community involves editing books, writing columns, blogging, using social media, speaking, podcasting, judging contests, and other fun stuff related to helping writers write better and get their work published.

He’s the resident poetry expert, which means he’s had a poetry collection published titled Solving the World’s Problems and been voted Poet Laureate of the Blogosphere, in addition to being invited as a feature poet at reading series around the country.

Follow him on Twitter @RobertLeeBrewer.

Brian A. Klems

Brian is pretty cool and amazing. But you’ll find out just how cool and amazing once he adds his bio in here.

Follow him on Twitter @BrianKlems.